Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What were you thinking?

I recently attended my 40th year high school reunion. What a load of apathy!

Sure, I was extremely apathetic in high school. I didn't go to Pep Rallies. I didn't attend student government meetings. I went to some Friday night dances...but I might as well have been asking the girls to dance in my Algebra class. I found out years later that they were not allowed to date in high school anyway. No wonder so many of us opted to go to Vietnam instead of dealing with holier-than-thou high school virgins at a sports night dance. Bras stuffed with Charmin never did impress me at that age. Most of the guys they were dating back then are counselors at AA and NA meetings now anyway. I guess they're called "sponsors".

Back to the reunion. Out of about 950 classmates who managed to complete the 12th grade with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, only 50 or so showed up to our reunion. That includes 5 or 6 people who decided to attend our reunion instead of theirs next year. I guess we were a more fun bunch! Yeah, right.

Now, somehow I have roped myself into spearheading the next reunion, the 45th, in 2012. I've even proposed a meeting in Vegas next year (my proposed reunion meeting place) to get together and do some "planning". So who has committed to the thing next year? Yours truly and my best friend, Bob. What the fuck...over?

Those of us from the generation of love, 1967, what has happened to us? What went wrong? We've turned into deflated hot air balloons laying in a field of dead alfalfa waiting for the propane guy to show up. Judging from the numbers of people who didn't showed up at the reunion, we've turned into the dead alfalfa. Wow, how disappointing. No wonder no one volunteers to head up reunion committees. My daughter recently attended her 10th reunion. Only a dozen or so showed. And I thought my 40th reunion was disappointing!

Zed's dead, baby! And they call it a chopper, not a motorcycle.

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